Saturday, December 11, 2010

Back after a long break...

I am back!!! : )

slps amik cuti panjang drpd stocks...due to problems inhibiting me and family...

1. Widad Amani dipatuk ular about seminggu slps raya puasa...masuk ICU utk 3 ari...really really serious...she stopped bernafas about 2 hours lps kena patuk...but recovered lps doc bagi bantuan pernafasan...after that, terpksa bkampung dlm kereta for 1 1/2 bulan sbb anak masuk ni pun masih kena ulang alik utk post treatment...tuhan saja tau camna stressnya hidup aku dgn isteri aku...lps wat plastique surgery, kaki Widad pulih tp scar besar masih jelas pd paha dan kaki...skingraft pun xleh replace atau balik cam asal...after more tha 3 months...dia dah bleh jalan cam biasa...home theraphy lebih berkesan...

2. November 2010..aku start building my own dream house...or bunglow (haha)...hopefully by middle 2011 dah bleh pindah rumah sendiri lebih sukar dan lebih puashati bbanding beli rumah siap...took almost 3 weeks to architec..after 11 designs, baru dapat yg terbaik...

3. Life drpd september spai la mmg stressful giler...xda hati dan masa nak jenguk decided to leave stocks yg di accumulate...lagipun aku dah 100% more capital...well yesterday adalah ari pertama buka balik porfolio...mix reaction...Mudajaya CB teruk kena belasah...CSCsteel, E&O, KKB, topglove bertahan...but my star performer adalah DRBhicom...AVP (average) DRBhicom adalah 1.19...penutup last 1.80...50% profit...alhamdullilah! Aku percaya dgn pilihan CSCsteel, E&O, KKB dan topglove...just that...gelombang blum pick up...

4. Mudajaya CB at lowest point...mgkn dah establish bottom at 0.015...mother at 3.76...practically, CB wipe me out of my DRBhicom's profit...but i am not selling DRBhicom utk compensate CB.......CB 80% loss pd current price!!! ...kena check mother dulu utk wat kptsan...maybe wiser to switch to other potential warrant...

5. Investing dlm stocks x semudah yg orang sangka...if u cannot take loss, do not dabble in stocks...but my experience in stocks has taught me, if u stick with wat u do best....u will ride out the worst and find profit again...kita sbg investors are cold-hearted risk-takers....we are not stupid...we jumped in and out, left and right each having made calculated risks...if we are wrong, then be ready to accept the consequences...dlm kes CB, clearly i've made a wrong choice...i should keep my eyes stick to the price movement....i need to come out with a decision soon...

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